Veer is bollywood movie which is written by Salman Khan and Shaktimaan Talwar. There is no surprised to see Salman Khan as a writer. We know he is the eldest son of celebrated screenwriter Salim Khan. Check out Salman Khan new movie Veer’s trailer,story, plot, cast,pictures,wallpapers and Videos here.
Salman Khan – Veer, Mithun Chakraborty – Prithvi Singh, Lisa Lazarus, Sohail Khan – Punya, Jackie Shroff – Raja of Madhavgarh, Zarine Khan – Princess Yashodhara, Aryan Vaid, Neena Gupta, Bharat Dabholkar, Shahbaaz Khan, Vinay Apte, Yogesh Suri all are Cast for Veer.
Movie Details
Genre: Romance
Language: Hindi
Release date and status: Releasing on Jan 22, 2010
Director: Anil Sharma
Producer: Vijay Galani , Sunil Lulla
Written by: Salman Khan , Shaktimaan Talwar
MUSIC DIRECTOR: Sajid-Wajid , Monty Sharma
From the misty pages of history comes a story of extreme valour, fierce pride and poignant love.
As the British enslave India with their devious Divide and Rule policy, kings and nawabs fall to their guile and cunning, and entrust their precious kingdom to the foreigners.
Except for the brave Pindaris, who prefer death to dishonour and will fight to their last breath to save their land…..their mother.
The bravest, the toughest, the strongest of the Pindaris is Veer. As Veer takes on the might of the British Empire, he also has to fight the conniving King of Madavgarh as well his own jealous tribesmen.
Veer's Picture: Veer’s Plot:
Veer is an epic saga and taking center stage is the brave heart Veer (Salman Khan).
Salman Khan is the most valiant of the Pindaris, who are enraged by the British, who are imposing their Divide and Rule policy on India.
It is not just the British that Salman Khan has to fight against. The King of Madavgarh and his own people also need to be dealt with.
Love, revenge, survival, and courage in the face of adversity, make Salman Khan a mighty warrior.
Veer Promo Video: