Facebook – The social networking site has been introducing new products – one after the next – with the goal. It seems of turning the entire Web into one big social network, so eventually the Internet will be Facebook.
Today when I login to my Facebook profile I found something new. One Green Tab showing to my facebook account telling that Get New Profile. As im very much addicts to Facebook and always try something new, I made a click and what I see is that my whole profile page is changed. I ask to my friends on that, some says we didn’t get any updates like this and some says we are already moving to these new look. The thing is that, Facebook have just launched their new look profile page with some welcome UI improvements, making it “even easier for you to tell your story and learn about your friends”. I’m very much excited to know what’s new to this profile look. Check out my profile screenshot below:
Let’s see what’s new in New Facebook Profile:
The profile page now opens with a quick summary of who you are as defined by what you do, where you live, when you were born, where you went to school, and where you work and what languages you speak. To update any of the information that appears in your profile, click “Edit Profile.”
Beneath this stream of information, which reads a lot like a ticker at the bottom of a television news broadcast, you’ll find some of the photographs you were tagged in. Your privacy settings have not changed. Only people you’ve allowed to view photos you’re tagged in will see these photos.
You can navigate your profile from one central place, making it easier to get to your info, photos and more.
You can share more about your work and education, and even include the friends who were there with you. You can add individual projects, classes and other experiences by clicking the Edit link.
Now your profile is more visual and includes new interests, such as your favorite sports, people and more. To add something new, click the Edit link.
There’s a new graphic display for your top interests. Simply drag to rearrange icons to list your favorites first.
Now, moving towards your profile tabs (Wall, Info, Photos, etc.) which you can easily found at top middle section of OLD PROFILE. Question is where these tabs go?
Don’t worry they are still on page. Now onwards you can found these tabs in the left-had sidebar, underneath your main profile picture.
You’ll also notice that the way friends are displayed has been updated to include larger pictures in a single column. A special family-only section follows this.
How to get your new Facebook profile?
The changes will be gradually rolled out to all Facebook users by early next year, although it is possible to upgrade your profile immediately.
Simply navigate to facebook.com/about/profile and click the Get the New Profile button in the top-right-hand corner of the page. It’s that easy!
Overall, I like the new look. It’s clean and streamlined.
Share your impressions of the changes in the comments.
Note: You will not be able to switch back to the old design after upgrading.
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